16.02.2011 • NewsMobotix

Mobotix reports 45% sales growth in the first half of fiscal year 2010/11

After astrong second quarter with 47% sales growth, Mobotix increased the total sales for the first half year of fiscal year 2010/11 (July 1st to December 31) by approximately 45% ...

After a strong second quarter with 47% sales growth, Mobotix increased the total sales for the first half year of fiscal year 2010/11 (July 1st to December 31) by approximately 45% to €34.6 million (previous year: €23.9 million).

EBITDA of €10.4 million translated into an EBITDA margin of almost 29%. EBIT increased by 91% to €9.0 million (previous year: €4.7 million) and the Group EBIT margin is now approximately 25%. Net income after taxes climbed 96% from €3.2 million to €6.2 million. Accordingly, earnings per share improved by approximately 97% to €1.42 (previous year: €0.72).

The half-year results at a glance (July 1 to December 31, 2010):

  • Sales: €34.6 million (+ 45%)
  • Export ratio: 74%
  • EBIT: €9.0 million (+ 91%)
  • EBIT in % of total output: 25%
  • Net income for the period (after taxes): €6.2 million (+ 96%)
  • Earnings per share: €1.42 (+ 97%)






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Mobotix AG

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Artificial Intelligence

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Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

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