SeeTec AG introduces new product version of SeeTec Cayuga
As the declared goal for the SeeTec software generation to come, was to offer the user the possibility to see more, understand more and for that to perform faster SeeTec Cayuga off...

As the declared goal for the SeeTec software generation to come, was to offer the user the possibility to see more, understand more and for that to perform faster SeeTec Cayuga offers a new dimension of video management - we call that "inspired sense".
The most noticeable change is the new user interface - it has been redesigned in cooperation with design experts. A clear visual structure as well as ergonomical improvements based on new control concepts were in the focus. The new interface consequently works without any context menu and therefore doesn't require the right mouse button. Thus, the SeeTec software is prepared to be used with touch systems. The results are more efficient operations and shorter training periods.
Large systems benefit from SeeTec Cayuga's new features in particular: The new multi-level administration allows the user to map organizational structures in the system management. If an administrator is responsible just for particular stores, his rights can be adapted accordingly to that. Above all an interruption-free system operation is ensured with SeeTec Cayuga's internal redundancy concept - no matter if a central administration server or a recording server fails.
Additionally SeeTec Cayuga has a generic analytics interface for linking up video analysis systems from third party suppliers e.g. camera based or sector-specific analytics.
SeeTec Cayuga will be available in German, English, French, Russian, Turkish and Dutch from September 2013 on. You will find the software in trade in September after an intense testing phase.