Sicurezza 2017: Competitiveness for Professionals and Companies as the Objective
In a period in which the security market is continuing to grow and the sector has proved itself all-important and receptive both towards internal requests and the opportunities off...

In a period in which the security market is continuing to grow and the sector has proved itself all-important and receptive both towards internal requests and the opportunities offered by internationalisation, Sicurezza - from 15 to 17 November 2017 at Fiera Milano - has cemented its role as a means at the service of companies and operators.
Opportunities for Development:
2016, according to data recently provided by Anie Sicurezza, in fact saw a 5.1% increase in turnover when compared to 2015 in Italy. A trend that has exceeded last year’s growth of +4.5%, with Anti-Intrusion systems (up by 7.3%) and Video Surveillance (up almost 10%), gaining additional momentum. Public Administration, the Service Sector, Retail and Mass Market Distribution represent the main internal market sector outlets, whilst the growth in the construction industry over the last few years has contributed to strengthen the Building Automation and Fire-Prevention segments. More and more Italian manufacturers are showing interest in the international markets.
“In such a dynamic sector, both the professionals in all the various divisions and companies of all sizes are required to work non-stop, evolve and seek ever new stimuli to increase the number of business, networking and development opportunities. Simply put, they are required to be competitive”, commented Giuseppe Garri, Event Exhibition Manager.
“With this in mind, Sicurezza 2017 will work towards two objectives: to offer an ever wider and international business platform to support the companies’ commercial activities and to value the solutions and innovative skills that have the potential to change the sector and enable it to evolve, whilst also developing operator professionalism. Our event will offer businesses the tools and contacts to boost their competitiveness on the international markets and make an extensive and comprehensive training course available to professionals, in order to enable them to acquire the additional know-how required today of those working in each and every department”.
Internationality and New Business
Small and medium businesses interested in new international end markets will find their preferential channel, enabling them to welcome new business opportunities thanks to Sicurezza.
The event will host 200 top international buyers hailing from the manufacturers’ markets of interest - Mediterranean basin, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS Republics, the Balkans, Baltic Republics and the Middle East - with an additional investment with respect to previous editions.
The potential foreign buyers, selected by country of origin and spending power, will be able to benefit from an organised schedule, which will be finalised before the trade show opens and composed using the Fiera Milano My Matching program, enabling them to meet the exhibitors, optimise their time at the event and facilitate the start of business negotiations.
However, the internationalisation objective is not only intended for Italian companies interested in foreign markets. In fact, more and more international businesses are choosing the event to introduce themselves predominately to Italian operators as well as those operating in southern Europe. As of today, international companies will occupy 50% more exhibition space with respect to the previous edition, thereby constituting a clear indicator of the importance of Sicurezza’s new position in the international trade show calendar, as the only event to take place in odd years in Europe in the second half of the year.
A New Challenge
If companies are seeking to respond to the demand for competitiveness through new opportunities abroad, then individual professionals must keep abreast with the current technological evolution.
With this in mind, Sicurezza intends to develop a progressively better awareness of the new professions required by the sector. Today, the ‘classic’ stand-alone product installer is required to re-invent themselves and develop the abilities to offer authentic integrated and made-to-measure solutions with respect to the various requirements and application contexts. Designers and installers of security and video surveillance systems find themselves today at the centre of an ever closer dialogue with the companies, project manager and end user, figures who must not only take on the role of technician but also consultant. The new systems, which are often expandable, implementable or simply capable of being updated using new software or the latest components, require the appropriate skill sets. Even the long-term relationship with the customer that does not end with system installation, requires the professional to adopt new organisational and interpersonal skills.
Meanwhile, the various contexts in which security is being increasingly recognised as a responsibility, even from a legislative point of view for sector professionals, are increasing and multiplying in both the public sector - as demonstrated by the recent Circular on large events by the Chief of Police - and private sector - as is the case with the new European Regulation on Privacy. This subsequently constitutes a good indicator of how, in addition to the ‘upgrades’ as regards new technological possibilities, the professional growth of operators now requires multi-disciplinary and multi-faceted skills in order to enable them to establish themselves as leading market figures.
The Sicurezza training offer, with over 100 events in three days, organised by partners of primary importance, will enable all of the operators to grow within a context awash with opportunities, owing to a wide selection of diverse training events.
Competitiveness therefore takes centre stage at SICUREZZA and will be the objective around which the event will develop to encourage operators, companies and organisations to promote sector growth in everyone’s interest. In fact, the security sector does not simply revolve around technology, but it also constitutes a far-reaching service, whose development is progressively becoming an indicator of progress within modern-day society.
Destination Milan
Sicurezza announces an unmissable, organised and extensive event. As of today, you will be able to organise your visit, optimising both your time and the related costs.
Visit to access the registration and pre-sales system: in just a few clicks you will be able to avoid the queues and save up to 50% on your ticket.
Moreover, thanks to MiCodmc, the official Fiera Milano travel agents specialised in Milan as a travel destination, it is possible for exhibitors and visitors to organise trips, overnight stays and visits, benefiting from the best offers, designed to satisfy all and any specific requirement.
In fact, special rates and hotel, train and flight packages are available, enabling those who book early to benefit from unbeatable savings.