Siemens: Innovative Airport Portfolio at the Passenger Terminal Expo

Siemens Postal, Parcel Airport Logistics (SPPAL) invites visitors to its appealing and informative exhibition stand at this years Passenger Terminal Expo. The trade fair will take...

Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics (SPPAL) invites visitors to its appealing and informative exhibition stand at this year's Passenger Terminal Expo. The trade fair will take place from March 15 to 17, 2016 in Cologne. In Hall 10.1 on Stand 8000, Siemens will be exhibiting its entire portfolio for airports and airlines, ranging from baggage and air cargo handling to software and lifecycle services.

A particular highlight of the show will be the innovative tilt-tray sorter (VarioSort TTS 1100), which Siemens will be presenting as a "live exhibit". With a peak throughput rate of more than 9,000 baggage items per hour, the new sorter is the perfect choice for the fast and efficient handling of large baggage volumes. The solution is based on the proven VarioSort product family from Siemens, which Siemens has successfully implemented about 30 times for parcel customers worldwide. The new sorter passed extensive long-term tests under airport conditions before customers and independent teams of experts approved the solution. Siemens has now already installed several sorters of the VarioSort TTS 1100 type. The baggage sorter is one example how SPPAL brings together the decade-long know-how from the business fields mail and parcel automation as well as baggage and cargo handling and applies it optimally for the benefit of the customer. Other focal areas addressed at the SPPAL stand include:

  • Baggage Vision System: A combination of optical character recognition (OCR) and barcode reading is the solution for non-readable baggage labels.
  • Airport and cargo software: Innovative solutions ensure greater transparency and efficiency in increasingly complex business processes.
  • Operation and maintenance: With customer-specific services, Siemens maximizes reliability and availability throughout the lifecycle of baggage and cargo handling systems.

At the same time, Siemens is extending the focus beyond the airport itself: together with the SPPAL subsidiary AXIT, the company will be presenting a comprehensive software package for the logistics sector. The Cloud-based applications support full data and process transparency in supply chains around the world.

Business Partner

Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics GmbH

Lilienthalstrasse 16/18
78467 Konstanz

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