13.05.2011 • NewsCybersecurityDHSinfosecurity

US Government develops cybersecurity proposal

A legislative proposal from the Obama administration calls for the DHS (US Department of Homeland Security) totake over responsibility to ensure that thegovernment's computers are ...

A legislative proposal from the Obama administration calls for the DHS (US Department of Homeland Security) to take over responsibility to ensure that the government's computers are protected, including the intrusion detection and prevention systems. It would also incude an update of security standards of many government contractors. The proposal is aimed to prevent cyber attacks from U.S. sources and overseas. 

"The cybersecurity vulnerabilities in our government and critical infrastructure are a risk to national security, public safety, and economic prosperity," the White House said in a statement. "The administration has responded to Congress' call for input on the cybersecurity legislation that our nation needs, and we look forward to engaging with Congress as they move forward on this issue."

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid's office has taken the lead in Congress on cybersecurity, putting together bills sponsored by Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller and and Homeland Security Chairman Joe Lieberman, chair of the Homeland Security Committee. An administration official said the White House would like Congress to enact a cybersecurity bill this year, after a broad discussion including representatives from industry, privacy advocates and the wider community.

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