Vanderbilt: Programming Application with SPC Connect Pro

Vanderbilt announced today the release of SPC Connect Pro.SPC Connect Pro is the new programming tool for SPC systems. It is a desktop application that allows security installers t...

Vanderbilt: SPC Connect Pro is the new programming tool for SPC systems
Vanderbilt: SPC Connect Pro is the new programming tool for SPC systems

Vanderbilt announced today the release of SPC Connect Pro.

SPC Connect Pro is the new programming tool for SPC systems. It is a desktop application that allows security installers to program all the functionality of SPC systems.

“Pro is designed to use the same interface as the SPC web page so, however you decide to program your SPC, the interface and programming options use the same intuitive interface,” says John O’Donnell, Product Manager at Vanderbilt.

As SPC Connect Pro evolves from SPC Pro, several operations are enhanced for security installers. The tool now maintains a backup of configurations files, allowing access to old files via a PC if an installer should make changes. Installers also benefit with the freedom to define their configurations, which can then be quickly reused at other installations.

“With SPC Connect Pro, the evolution of SPC continues and we at Vanderbilt aim to provide, not only great products, but also support our customers as best we can,” explains O’Donnell. “To that end, within the tool we have built in a new support system that will provide users with the latest support information from Vanderbilt and access to manuals and other support material.

With additional support in the required SPC 3.8.5 firmware, SPC panels will now be discoverable when the panel is in full engineer mode, thus making connecting to systems faster and easier. For security professionals who are already using SPC Connect cloud services, the tool allows installers access their systems from the tool, creating a secure connection to support customers.

“To secure access and to ensure you are always up to date with the latest information from Vanderbilt, an SPC Connect installer account is needed to access the tool. Installers can sign up for an installer account free of charge and can use the tool immediately. If you wish, you can enhance the tool by signing up for SPC Connect cloud services. Information and pricing are available from,” concludes O’Donnell.

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