07.11.2023 • News

Webinar: Easy IP Video Surveillance

In video surveillance, the use of computers is often undesirable, not very economical, or even impossible for reasons of space. Eizo offers various solutions especially for this purpose that meet a wide range of requirements.

In a webinar on 28th November, Oliver Nachtigal, Business Development Manager Security and Surveillance at Eizo, will comprehensively present the company’s IP decoding products that stand for easy installation and computer-less operation. He will explain the concept with its basic and expansion options, describe the integration into leading video management systems, and provide an insight into real-life applications based on customer projects.

To register for this webinar, please follow this link.

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EIZO Europe GmbH

Belgrader Straße 2
41069 Mönchengladbach

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12.04.2024 • NewsSecurity

Secutech Thailand 2024 Confirms Dates

Organisers of Secutech Thailand have confirmed that the 2024 edition will return to the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, from 30 October to 1 November 2024.