Women in security asked to share their experiences in industry survey

Attracting more women to careers in the security sector is the focus of a new joint research project being launched this week by the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) an...

Attracting more women to careers in the security sector is the focus of a new joint research project being launched this week by the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) and Skills for Security. The project is aimed at evaluating the perceptions of security as a career choice among two key groups: female students yet to embark upon their career, and women already working in the security sector, with a view to challenging misconceptions of  security as a male-oriented career choice.

Inspired by the 100 in 100 apprenticeship campaign - which aims to place 100 apprentices within the security sector in as many days - the project has also been influenced by a recent OFSTED report, which suggested that the industry should aim to attract an increased number of female apprentices.

Jayne Sale, Head of Commercial Services at Skills for Security, comments: "Our industry already has many successful female figureheads, from entrepreneurs and company directors to award-winning installers and security officers, all of whom have proven that security is a viable career option for women. Despite this, the security sector is still significantly male-dominated and, through this survey, we're hoping to change perceptions and encourage more young people to consider exploring a security apprenticeship."

"We welcome responses from all women working in the security sector, who can use their own experiences to help inspire a new generation of business leaders."

The survey is open to all women working at all levels, in all areas of the security industry, and can be completed online in five or so minutes by following this link:


Female students wishing to have their say about their perceptions of security as a career can complete a separate survey by accessing the following link:


The surveys will be open until Monday 16th September.

For more information about the BSIA, visit www.bsia.co.uk, or Skills for Security, visit www.skillsforsecurity.org.uk. To find out more about the 100 in 100 apprenticeship scheme, visit http://www.skillsforsecurity.org.uk/index.php/happening/2/266


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