04.04.2011 • Product

100% Sterile Eyewash


B-SAFETY, the leading German manufacturer of emergency showers and eye showers, is expanding its product portfolio of hand-held eye showers and thus solving the problem of microbial contamination of standing water in eye showers.

Several medical studies by leading German university clinics have shown that bacterial loads can be found precisely in permanently-installed eye showers. Here it does not matter whether or not the prescribed weekly or monthly functional inspection is conducted. In both cases, a majority of the eye showers examined revealed too-high overall bacterial numbers and/or too-large quantities of legionella according to the specifications of the German drinking water ordinance. An eye rinse with eye showers thus contaminated represents a danger to eyesight that should not be underestimated, for it is precisely eyes damaged by chemical burns and burns that are most subject to infection.

The CleanLine hand-held eye showers solve this problem and guarantee a sterile and germ-free eye rinse. Thanks to the built-in sterile filters with 0.2 µm hollow-fibre membrane, the water standing in the feed pipe is filtered and only completely clean and germ-free water is available for the eye rinse.

The new hand-held eye showers from B-SAFETY are equipped with a high-power spray head. This spray head not only fulfils the specifications of DIN EN 15154-2:2006, but also ensures water distribution across a wide area. This way, the regions around the eyes are also supplied and the placement of the eyes in the water stream is not problematic. The spray heads are protected against contamination by dust covers, which open by themselves on activation. The integrated quantity regulator keeps the water stream constant regardless of the water pressure. Large holes in the spray heads ensure automatic emptying and protect against calcification. The rubber bushings around the spray head protect against injuries due to bumping. The CleanLine hand-held eye showers comply with the valid laboratory guidelines and DIN EN 15154-2:2006.

Business Partner

B-SAFETY - Breuell Ingenieurbüro GmbH

Grützmühlenweg 40
22339 Hamburg

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