24.01.2012 • Product

22x day/night motorzoom camera with WDR features


The new Everfocus 22x day/night motorzoom camera with WDR - EQ 2250 - is now available ex stock. Besides 22x optical and 10x digital zoom, the camera features 600 TV lines resolution and 3D Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR) Enhanced sensitivity is obtained with the 256x Digital Slow Shutter (DSS). The camera comes with an integrated 3,9 ~ 85,8 mm autofocus zoom lens and can be remote controlled by RS-485.

Here are the main features of the new EQ 2250 Motorzoom Camera:

Main features:
► 22x optical and 10x digital zoom
► 600 TV lines horizontal resolution
► 3DNR noise reduction
► Enhanced wide dynamic with D-WDR
► HSBLC: Highlight Suppression BLC
► 8 privacy zones
► Day / night mode
► Remote control by RS-485 and DC lens control

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EverFocus Electronics GmbH

Albert-Einstein-Str. 1
46446 Emmerich am Rhein

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