27.05.2024 • Product

Bihl+Wiedemann: ASi-5 Safety Muting Module BWU4411 – GSA25 Finalist

With the ASi-5 Safety Muting Module BWU4411, muting applications up to SIL3/PLe can be realized. Connected via the yellow ASi profile cable, the module represents the single, central collection point for all muting components & their I/O signals.


To do so, it requires only a single ASi-5 address in the safety network. Unused in- & outputs can be utilized for other applications, e.g. for controlling muting lamps. The module has an integrated power supply connection for a contactless protective device and can be configured via the ASIMON360 safety software. ASIMON360 has certified muting modules for convenient parameterization for many applications; programming in the PLC is not required.

The module only requires one ASi-5 address in the safety network, thus reducing hardware and addressing costs. During operation, BWU4411 provides important diagnostic data and the ASi-5/ASi-3 fieldbus gateways enable connectivity up to the IIOT. In addition, the cost of the muting module is only a third of the cost of comparable Ethernet-based solutions on the market.


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Bihl+Wiedemann GmbH

Floßwörtstraße 41
68199 Mannheim

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