11.05.2020 • Product

Bosch: Video-based Fire Detection Optimized for Low Light


With the new firmware version 7.61, Aviotec IP starlight 8000 is suitable for application in areas with very low light such as warehouses and production plants at night. In case of changing environmental conditions, the sensitivity can be adapted to the requirements using programmable schedules. Thus, for example, it is possible to optimize the robustness against false alarms during busy daytime operation, while deserted buildings, where quickest detection is required, benefit from the high sensitivity at night.

Since the new solution from Bosch also works reliably with minimal ambient light, it saves costs for planning, installation and operation of the lighting. Furthermore, it significantly reduces the risks for applications with high fire load at those low light conditions. This benefits, for example, operators of multi-story car parks where risk is typically quite high. Here, Aviotec IP starlight 8000 guarantees reliable early detection to protect vehicles and electrical charging stations. In historical buildings, the solution can now also be installed in almost unused side rooms with minimal lighting, for example through tiny windows.

In all environments, the installed cameras can be used simultaneously for fire detection and video surveillance, which further reduces installation and operating costs. The video-based fire detection Aviotec IP starlight 8000 is now delivered with the new firmware. Existing installations can be upgraded to the new technology by a free firmware update.

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Bosch Building Technologies

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81737 München

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