01.02.2016 • Product

Damaged goods? Shipment missing? Loading mistakes? Inventory discrepancies?


Processes are prone to error. Liability is often unclear. Goods are damaged, incorrectly loaded or stolen. That costs money. Every single day.

Process visualization from GEUTEBRUCK not only ensures safety, it also offers enormous potential for the economic optimization of supply chains. You avoid costs, shorten loading times and clarify liability issues, providing significant cost savings. Often, the investment pays for itself in a just few months.

Our innovation: Scan data is linked with video images in real-time. The condition of the product is recorded in detail and at all times. From goods receiving to picking to shipping. As a result, mistakes are directly visible and can be rectified.

Damaged goods? - Find the mistake. We can show you how: www.geutebrueck.com

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