27.05.2024 • Product

Dormakaba: Cloud-based Access Control MATRIX as a Service – GSA25 Finalist

MATRIXaaS is a cloud-based access control system that is in its own words secure, flexible and always up to date. Based on the comprehensive MATRIX ONE on-premise access software, it is an access solution for medium-sized companies and start-ups that cannot or do not want to maintain IT specialists and servers for the operation of an access control system.


There is no need for updates, backups, recovery concepts or the installation and operation of local servers. Companies benefit from costs that can be planned on a monthly basis. The highest standards in terms of compliance, cyber security and data protection ensure reliable operation. The modern, multilingual interface is intuitive to use.

 The functional scope of the access solution is very large and ranges from many standard functions such as access profiles, locking plans or elevator control to door monitoring, graphic alarm management, EMA interface and visitor management and is suitable for a wide range of applications

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dormakaba Deutschland GmbH

DORMA Platz 1
58256 Ennepetal

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