08.02.2010 • Product

FFT launches security management software: Central Alarm Monitoring System


Future Fibre Technologies (FFT) has launched its latest product, FFT CAMS Version 3 at Intersec in Dubai. The new security management software, FFT's Central Alarm Monitoring System (FFT CAMS) can interface with a broad range of existing intrusion detection systems and is the very latest in alarm management technology.

This means that FFT CAMS Version 3 delivers completely new, powerful client-server architecture which offers new and improved functionality, dynamic perimeter configuration, ease of use and fully interactive mapping to those using FFT's own state of the art products, as well as intrusion detection systems from other manufacturers.

While previous versions of FFT CAMS have always provided the necessary functionality as the front-end and interface portal to FFT's intrusion detection systems, the increasing penetration of FFT's products in an evolving security market necessitated further product development. The release of FFT CAMS Version 3 is another demonstration of the company's ongoing commitment to meet customer requests. Key benefits of the all new client-server architecture include centrally shared databases between multiple clients, fully interactive and multi-view mapping, secure communications, graphic sensor creation and updating, and improved GUI usability.

The system delivers an even more intuitive and easy to understand alarm interface to security staff, in their local language, including English, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish and Japanese.

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Future Fibre Technologies FFT

3000 Hillswood Drive, Hillswood Business Park
KT16 0RS Chertsey

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