12.10.2016 • Product

G-Link - the Geutebrück integration server


In our experience, the integration of specialized security systems increases the effectiveness of a modern video security system and saves the user from time-consuming, parallel handling of multiple, separate systems from different manufacturers with different operating concepts.

For this to happen, the exchange of data between the individual systems must be coordinated. This kind of interface between two systems often needs to be developed based on the specifics of the order, a time consuming and costly endeavor. In addition, an independent interface is required for each of these links.

The G-Link integration server is the central platform for the interfaces of all third-party systems connected to the system. This software architecture opens up a wide range of cross- system functionality that was previously difficult or impossible to realize with separate individual interfaces. The special feature is that every connected system can communicate in parallel with every other or multiple systems and third-party systems.

Business Partner

Geutebrück GmbH

Im Nassen 7-9
53578 Windhagen

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