09.07.2012 • Product

GfG: IR-Transmitter IR29 Pathfinder

GfG: IR-Transmitter IR29 Pathfinder. Within the range of stationary gas warning systems the innovative transmitters IR29 convinces with its patented 4-wavelength infrared technology (NDIR).

For the first time this innovative feature allows the precise monitoring of ppm, %UEG to VOL.-% of inflammable gases and vapours. Also the toxicity of combustible gases is monitored.

The IR29 provides high measuring accuracy and long-term stability even under extrem climatic conditions.

Additionally the recorded measuring values (histogram) can be indicated on the large, coloured and 180° reversable display.

The IR29 fulfills the requirements for the use in zone 0 and provides the user unequalled safety advantages and enormous economical saving potential.

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