01.03.2015 • Product

Guest App for Hotel Access Control


SimonsVoss has entered into a cooperative partnership with Zaplox, a Swedish mobile key system provider, and now offers a compact access solution for hotels. Easily integrated into hotel software, the Zaplox cloud solution enables guests to open hotel doors with their smartphone. They can also use the app to check in and receive their room key on their smartphone even before they arrive. The app brings great advantages for guests: they do not need to carry a key or card around; queuing at the reception desk to check in or out becomes a thing of the past as guests can complete these processes using the app. Guests are not required to keep to reception hours when arriving late at night either. Complementing this extremely practical system with its digital locking and access control system are the company's digital cylinders or digital door handles. These provide hoteliers with an all-inclusive solution consisting of access components and a direct communication platform with customers. Hoteliers can also use the app to provide guests with information on other hotel services, such as the restaurant or health spa for example, or offer them access to the gym. This all-inclusive package also makes key management more efficient whilst also saving time and reducing costs.

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SimonsVoss Technologies GmbH

Feringastr. 4
85774 Unterföhring

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