27.05.2024 • Product

Mobotix + Kepler: c71 NurseAssist – powered by Kepler Vision Technologies – GSA25 Finalist

Falls from bed that are recognised too late represent a major risk in the care sector. In 6 out of 7 falls with conventional systems with a manual alarm button, someone is usually only on site after 5 minutes.


The MOBOTIX c71 NurseAssist solution is based on a 360° camera with a 4K Day&Night sensor, which is mounted on the ceiling and connected to a Nurse Call system. Unlike a surveillance camera, the c71 only acts as a sensor with integrated analysis algorithms to automatically detect falls or bed abandonment while simultaneously alerting the carer. The system recognises incidents based on live images without storing, displaying or sending them to a server (data protection-compliant solution).

  • This innovative and particularly easy-to-implement healthcare application is the result of a collaboration between MOBOTIX and the Dutch company Kepler Vision Technologies, which specializes in AI-based software solutions in healthcare and nursing.
  • Radar-based systems are unable to distinguish objects such as a fluttering curtain or a fallen bedspread from falls. The AI-powered intelligence of the MOBOTIX c71 NurseAssist solution prevents 99% of these false alarms
  • The system sends a message within 30 seconds of a fall and also prevents accidents by recognizing and reporting when the patient leaves the bed.
  • Lip-synchronized intercom via integrated high quality audio function facilitates a quick assessment of each alarm.
  • The decentralized MOBOTIX system can also be operated in full compliance with data protection regulations without the need to generate or transmit a video image.
  • The NurseAssist Status Tableau, which can also be used via MOBOTIX HUB plug-ins, offers a supplementary, graphically illustrative nurse call solution. In the care facility, the current status of the residents in all rooms equipped with c71 NurseAssist sensors is displayed in color. This gives the responsible staff a quick overview and makes organization easier. This enables "silent checks" without physically entering the rooms - for an undisturbed night's sleep and maximum privacy.

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Mobotix AG

67722 Langmeil

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