21.07.2017 • Product

Plug and Protect Security Management Solution


Vanderbilt has blended access control with video management as its ACTEnterprise now supports integration with Eventys EX Network Video Recorders (NVRs).

Simple to set up and operate, Eventys NVRs offer powerful, seamless, reliable, yet inexpensive video recording of up to 16 IP cameras. Now, ACTEnterprise allows cameras connected to an Eventys EX NVR to be associated with access control doors.

Any events recorded in the access control log such as “access denied” or “door forced” can be linked with the associated footage stored on the NVR. Events on a door with a camera associated will display a camera icon which allows clicking on the camera icon to replay the footage.

The main features associated with this integration platform are Live Video Display and Playback Recordings. The Live Video display allows switching between the different video camera sources connected to Eventys EX and displaying the live video in the ACTEnterprise software. With Playback recordings, it is possible to select an event in the ACTEnterprise Event-Database and playback the linked recording.

Vanderbilt believes this blend of access control and video surveillance will make the day-to-day management of multiple security systems more efficient as it minimises the use of different systems for different tasks by combining operations in a single interface.

Information is structured in one place which in turn improves situational awareness. The integration also improves response times as the single system interface makes monitoring alarms and events more effective and efficient. The combination of both products also provides greater monitoring capabilities by linking the live video to real-time access logs. For example, this feature enables users to see who has badged at the door to get in but has been denied access.

ACTEnterprise provides a smart video recording capability when used in combination with Eventys EX digital video recorders. Up to 500 Eventys EX NVRs and 4000 IP cameras can be connected to ACTEnterprise without the need for an additional PC or a server. In applications that include Eventys EX NVRs, ACTEnterprise software fully integrates the NVRs into the access control system, which makes verifying alarm events very easy.

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