Product Support on Veracity's Pointsource Wireless

As a security installer you may occasionally find yourself at a customer’s site to check the settings, field of view or focus of an IP camera you have just positioned – and there’s no power.
Remote unmanned locations are more challenging, but rather than leave to seek assistance from your customer and causing delay, there is a solution available now from Veracity which will allow you to install, configure, focus and align IP cameras with a Wireless link delivering live video straight to your tablet or smartphone. It can even be used to re-charge that tablet or smart device in the field too, using the USB connector.
Not all work on site is a quick visit. Given the complex nature of some site surveys, where it’s necessary to evaluate many cameras, it may require an extended site visit and you need power for longer. Now, with a removable and rechargeable battery, a charged spare can be rapidly inserted to maximise your time on site and the strap leaves your hands free to continue the evaluation. Equally, low light at the end of a day’s site visit is not an issue as Pointsourse Wireless features a bright status display to indicate remaining charge, key diagnostics for connectivity and POE status (supporting all classes of 802.3af and 802.3at devices).
For installation field work, camera testing or demonstrating IP cameras to your customer when there’s no network or power connection available, Pointsourse Wireless provides you with a host of solutions for all scenarios.