25.11.2011 • Product

Safety light curtains and safety light grids according to IEC/EN 61496


"A single product series for all imaginable application scenarios": With this idea in mind the Schmersal centre of excellence for optoelectronic safety products in Mühldorf/Inn, Germany, has developed new type 4 safety light curtains and light-grids according to IEC / EN 61496, and first introduced those innovations on SPS / IPC / DRIVES.

The series named SLC / SLG 440 offers numerous functions which in traditional solutions are only available as additional options or in separate product series. Such functions are e.g. fixed and floating blanking, fixed blanking with movable edge region as well as double acknowledgement. Functions are selected in parameter setting mode. Selections are made in a user-friendly manner and without PC software via 7-segment display and with a single input device (push-button). After completion, the selection is stored in the system.

Included standard features are the contactor control (EDM), automatic mode, restart mode and beam coding. From the machine manufacturer point of view this dramatically facilitates stock keeping: no matter what application scenario the manufacturer is faced with, the one and the same model can always be used.

Thanks to the compact design (profile dimensions 28 x 33 mm) the new safety light curtains and light- grids can also be used in applications with limited space. The enclosed sensor profile offers an ideal degree of protection and enables the product to handle even high mechanical loads. The light curtains and light- grids come with a mounting kit include mounting brackets which allow for a convenient alignment of the sensors and provide high stability to withstand vibrations. In this way, the required availability can also be ensured for the most demanding applications such as metal deformation.

Another helpful feature is the integrated setting mode support function. This function provides technicians with the required information about the correct alignment of receiver and transmitter. This helps to save time during installation. The SLC 440 series for the protection of hazardous areas is available with resolutions of 14 and 30 mm for protection field heights between 170 and 1770 mm. The safety light- grids SLG 440 are available with protection field heights between 500 and 900 mm and a reach of 12 m. Both series are suited for use in safety circuits up to PL e (EN 13849) or SIL 3 (IEC 61508).

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