22.10.2015 • Product

SimonsVoss: Retrofit for Wireless Access Control


The model 3061 Door Monitoring digital locking cylinder from SimonsVoss, recently shown at two European security trade fairs, makes it possible to retrofit any door into a monitoring system. The associated LSM administration software gives users peace of mind by reporting whether a door is properly locked or not. The cylinder is particularly suitable for sensitive areas needing special protection against unauthorised access inside buildings or through external doors. The company's Smartintego product offers an integrated access control solution consisting of locking cylinder, Smarthandle and gateway node. It can be seamlessly incorporated into existing control systems for building security technology without the use of any additional software. The cylinders are wireless and can be installed without any drilling.

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SimonsVoss Technologies GmbH

Feringastr. 4
85774 Unterföhring

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