26.08.2010 • Product

Transparent high-speed doors


It looks modern and has an interesting architecture, the façade of the new paint shop of Putzmeister in Aichtal. It is dominated by 17 transparent high-speed turbo doors of the door specialist Efaflex from Bruckberg. The employees work in the hall as if they were outside, but protected from wind and weather. “People are used to work in sun light and cannot live without the close relation to their environment”, says Georg Metzner. He is responsible for purchasing building work, plants and machinery for Putzmeister in Aichtal. 16 of the 17 high-speed doors are identical. Apart from the three lower laths, all doors are made up of 225 mm wide, clear laths of acrylic glass. “Thus, our employees are always able to see whether the sun is shining outside or whether it is raining.

The 4,000 x 4,500 mm doors open and close very quickly with a speed of 3.0 m/sec or 0.75m/sec, respectively. Thanks to that, the perfect indoor temperature can be maintained without loosing much heat. And in addition to a more positive energy balance, unpleasant draft air is also prevented. In former times, this draft air often led to an increased number of sick employees and therefore to the absence of workforce. “Our employees are our most important resource and therefore, we provide them with optimum working conditions”, says Metzner. “This is part of our system of values.” The company, which was founded in 1958 by Karl Schlecht as KS-Maschinenbau for the manufacture of plastering machines, became an active manufacturer of special machines under its own steam. Concrete pumps, plastering machines and special equipment such as tunnel injection moulding machines are just some of the products of the wide range of Putzmeister. The engineers permanently launch new developments on the market; new pumps again and again set up world records with regard to the height and the distance to which they convey concrete. Headquarters of the group of companies is the parent plant in Aich which is part of Aichtal, about 20 kilometres away from Stuttgart. Since working under the new name Putzmeister, the company has opened subsidiaries on nearly all continents. During the past four years, Putzmeister invested 160 million Euros worldwide in its plants. In the course of this investment, a total of 200 Efaflex doors were installed in Germany, Japan, the USA and in Turkey.

Since Putzmeister is one of the market leaders of the industry worldwide, the persons responsible make sure that suppliers and service providers also deliver the quality which is offered by market leaders. “From a technological point of view, the products of Efaflex are world class. When we install these doors in Chicago or in Japan, everyone thinks that they come from a different star”, says Ernst Hauke. He is the facility manager and was searching for doors for quite a long time. When he took over the job as plant manager, there were only folding doors in the plant. Heat losses were too high. Many damages caused by forklift trucks resulted in high costs. Foil doors which were installed later on additionally required roll-up doors as burglar protection. This was expensive and required much maintenance. “We despairingly searched for a different, better solution”, says Hauke. And when we went out with his dog, he got the hoped-for solution. “I saw an Efaflex door at the flowers wholesaler and I knew immediately that his was exactly what we needed.” Prior to installing the doors in the works, one of them was checked with regard to “spring and drive”. It proved itself also after a longer test run in practice. Putzmeister does not ask anymore “whether Efaflex” is to be used.

The doors look elegant and are nevertheless burglar-proof and stable. They convey the works a constant and uniform look. Switching to one single door manufacturer step-by-step also brings another important aspect for the responsible persons. They only have one single contact partner when it comes to maintenance and repair and this contact partner knows the works very well. A worldwide service agreement with Efaflex guarantees that ever door is ready for operation again within 48 hours. However: There have not been any major damages anymore since we have installed the new doors, says Georg Metzner. “Efaflex doors are simply so fast that they are never in the way.”

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