07.12.2016 • Product

Video surveillance is subject to data protection and privacy laws! What is allowed?


Video surveillance is subject to privacy laws! But what does this mean for your specific application? Because no clear “video monitoring act” exists, different laws and regulations must be observed worldwide.

To respond to threats, to prosecute crimes and to protect legitimate interests, you are allowed to use video cameras in freely accessible areas of your establishment. However, signs must draw attention to the cameras. Recordings of the video images must be protected from free access and deleted after a specified period of time. The images may only be used to respond to threats and to prosecute offenses or with the consent of the persons concerned.

A Geutebruck video security system also provides benefits to your employees. Process visualization is an excellent tool for optimization and documentation of workflows. Unjustified complaints can be refuted easily.

It is also possible to mask freely definable, password-protected areas in the video image or pixelate movements in this area so they are unrecognizable. These blurred out areas can then only be made visible together with the works council or an employee representative.
Want more information? Then come visit us at www.geutebrueck.com.

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