artificial intelligence systems

26.10.2021 • TopstoriesManagement

Security made easy with AI

“Until recently, AI-powered security used to be reserved for enterprises and other large organizations with large budgets – but no longer. Now, small businesses can also harness the power of AI to improve your security, save time, and reduce costs – thanks to Hikvision’s AcuSense technology,” says Kevin You, Product Management Director at Hikvision.

19.09.2012 • News

Artificial intelligence systems

Join intelligent video partners Teleste and BRS Labs at Security Essen to discover the latest developments in artificial intelligence systems for video surveillance. Their powerful...

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fires on Yachts
Minimise the Risks on Board

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fires on Yachts

Why Yacht Owners Are Adding Thermal Imaging Cameras to Minimise the Risk of Lithium-Ion Battery Fires.