
15.04.2014 • News

New partner for AxxonSoft in Benelux

AxxonSoft has recently gained a new European partner, ADI, which is a leading international distributor of professional security systems with 200 offices worldwide. The companies h...

14.04.2014 • News

Vivotek: Technology Integration with AxxonSoft

VIVOTEK has announced successful integration of two of its latest security solution technologies with AxxonSoft's widely used Axxon Next video management software (VMS). The first ...

10.10.2012 • News

Audio Analytic agreement with AxxonSoft

Audio Analytic and AxxonSoft are pleased to announce a licensing agreement in which Audio Analytic's sound recognition technology is now integrated into the Intellect Enterprise ph...

12.02.2010 • News

Axxon joins ONVIF

Axxon has joined the global open standards industry forum ONVIF. Axxon joins at the highest level as a full member at a time when the standards body has attracted more than 100 mem...

14.01.2010 • TopstoriesSecurity

Securing a Modern Metropolis

At the moment there are are lot of discussions about an internal report by the Metropolitan police in London about the use of CCTV in city centers. The effectiveness of CCTV as a w...

Critical Infrastructure

Greatest Challenges in Critical Infrastructure

Greatest Challenges in Critical Infrastructure

What providers need to know and do to safeguard premises of critical infrastructures.