health and safety regulations

07.05.2021 • TopstoriesManagement

The Risks of a Globalized World

Dr. Anja Opitz is responsible for the “International Politics and Security Policy” department at the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing, Germany. She conceives and leads symposiums, expert forums or seminars that are held for various disseminators – currently, for example, a seminar on the strategy ability of the German Bundeswehr in the context of the global security architecture. The Academy aims to bring science and practice together – so Opitz also concerns herself with research into the nexus between health and ­security as well as with the European security and defense policy. She is also President of the Global Health Security Alliance (GloHSA). Matthias Erler from GIT SECURITY spoke with ­Dr. Anja Opitz.

17.09.2012 • News

Evac+Chair: 10,000 customers

Evac+Chair: 10,000 customers. Evac+Chair, the emergency evacuation chair with a 20 year pedigree, has just reached the significant milestone of 10,000 customers.These customers spa...

Access Control

A Digital Locking System for Ingolstadt’s Golf Hall

A Digital Locking System for Ingolstadt’s Golf Hall

The SimonsVoss MobileKey solution is deployed in Golfhalle Ingolstadt, and offers just the right level of flexibility this golf hall requires.