Honeywell Security

23.05.2011 • Videos

Tony Makosinski: Residential Systems

Residential systems care for security at home -Tony Makosinski gives an insight in Honeywell Security´s latest developments. Videoblog by GIT SECURITY at Ifsec show 2011 in Birming...

03.02.2011 • TopstoriesSecurity

Access Control: Join and Conquer

In the past few years, perhaps no security industry buzzword has been defined in articles and promotional materials as many times as ‚convergence‘. These definitions have most comm...

Artificial Intelligence

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"
part one of a three-part interview series

Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

In part one Pierre Racz, President of Genetec, is addressing why IP network video systems were the game changer in the industry and why he does not like the term AI.