
10.12.2020 • TopstoriesSecurity

Sleep Well And Safe: Hotel Security Solutions 2020

Security is brought sharply into focus at the latest whenever an incident occurs and the press report extensively on the event, the background to it, the people affected by it and, quite often, the political consequences. What is not in the public eye is that thousands of well-thought-out security systems around the world are quietly doing their job and preventing many more incidents from happening in the first place. The hotel environment poses its own particular set of challenges to effective security, and the manufacturers of systems tailor-made for this industry have the corresponding answers. GIT SECURITY looks at just some of the many solutions on the market today.

05.12.2019 • TopstoriesSecurity

Best of Hotel Security in 2020

Successful hotels are able to make guests feel welcome. Business travellers want an absolutely smooth and uncomplicated check-in and -out, private individuals simply dont want to w...

Fire Protection

Safety Solutions for the Westminster Palace

Safety Solutions for the Westminster Palace

The Bosch subsidiary Protec has equipped the entire grounds of Westminster Palace with fire and voice alarm technology.