
07.11.2022 • NewsSecurity

Detecting intrusion on roofs

Optex advises how roofs can often be overlooked when security systems are put in place and yet they are often used as access point to intrude a building.

09.12.2020 • TopstoriesSecurity

Intrusion Detection: Photo Alarm Verification

Each time home security ­system is triggered, there is a large chance for it to be just a false alarm, and if such alarm is not verified as false in short time, there is a high probability the emergency responders get to the place to see nothing ­happened. Not only such situations are ­embarrassing for everyone involved, they are also costly and overall troublesome.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fires on Yachts
Minimise the Risks on Board

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fires on Yachts

Why Yacht Owners Are Adding Thermal Imaging Cameras to Minimise the Risk of Lithium-Ion Battery Fires.