18.03.2015 • TopstoriesBoon Edamaccess control

A Modular Entrance Control System Designed With Insight

With people passing through all day long, the security of sensitive areas of buildings, as well as the personal safety of the people visiting must be guaranteed. Recognizing this, ...

With people passing through all day long, the security of sensitive areas of buildings, as well as the personal safety of the people visiting must be guaranteed. Recognizing this, Boon Edam has created a security product range to manage the flow of people in and around a building.  The challenge was to design a secure entrance environment whilst still being visually inviting.

The ever changing business world has seen traditional 9-5 working days being replaced with a twenty-four seven culture. With this, a new view on building security is required as it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of who is in the building, where and when. Using new technologies and premium materials, the Speedlane Lifeline Series is an innovative and highly customizable security barrier for access control, which has been launched by the manufacturers across Europe.  

On their journey to determine the requirements for the new product range, the company studied the behavior of pedestrian mobility and listened to architects, building managers and tenants alike. This insight helped the company to visualize and create something very different. "As work environments become increasingly dynamic, the need for increased security measures within buildings grows. Knowing this, we started seeing things from a new perspective to meet the changing demands." explains Product Manager Daan van Beusekom. "We have designed the Speedlane Lifeline Series to be a sophisticated entry management system, intuitive, interacting with all who approach it and guiding visitors through a secure gateway to their destination. As the name 'Lifeline' implies, the product is alive and living."

Intuitive, Interactive and Innovative
The new product range, which includes a very slim security barrier, consists of three models; the Slide, Swing and Open, each of which are available with a variety of options. Whether it's for a higher security level or disabled access, numerous combinations are possible. Recognizing that each installation is different, the modular systems mean the product is highly customizable. Customers can accentuate their chosen product by selecting from an array of different color options and finishes, whether to make a statement, to fit with corporate identity colors or to create a harmonious interior design.

The form given to the Lifeline series is sleek, ergonomic and refined. The tapered shape of the modules, seen from all angles, gives the illusion of spaciousness and a much smaller footprint. Combined with a mirror panel at its base, the product seems to float within the mobility hotspot, giving a sense of futurism. The product range also includes unusual features such as using sensors that detect visitors approaching, a sleep function to save energy and pulsing light strips to guide the user. The series is available via the manufacturer's subsidiaries and distributors across Europe and interested customers also have the opportunity to visit Boon Edam's showroom in Edam, The Netherlands, to see the full product range first hand by prior appointment, arranged via their website.

Business Partner

Boon Edam Ltd.

Holland Hs., Crowbridge Road, Orbital Park
Ashford, Kent TN24 0GR

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