From Access Reader to Innovative Access Terminal

In our first GIT SECURITY issue this year we introduced the emerald access control terminal to our readers. We now interviewed Philip Verner of CEM Systems to find out more about t...

Philip Verner, Regional Sales Director, EMEA
Philip Verner, Regional Sales Director, EMEA

In our first GIT SECURITY issue this year we introduced the emerald access control terminal to our readers. We now interviewed Philip Verner of CEM Systems to find out more about the departure from traditional reader design to innovative terminal design that is revolutionising the security industry. Mr Verner, you recently launched the CEM emerald Intelligent Access Terminal. It‘s not just a standard ­access device, is it?

Philip Verner: As one of the next generation of CEM Ethernet edge devices, emerald is revolutionizing the security industry. The market is very excited about its introduction because of its big selling points that include the integrated access control and VoIP intercom functionality, the scramble keypad and Remote Applications functionality. Running remote applications increases the simplicity and scope of the system and provides advanced security intelligence directly at the door. We see remote applications as revolutionizing how this is accessed - moving intelligence typically only accessed via a PC client directly to the door, all with minimal effort from the user.

Did this new product already find a ready market?

Philip Verner: Certain applications will appeal more to different groups of users, such as general users, engineers or security personnel. General users can benefit from applications such as First and Last Swipes allowing them to manage their own time and attendance, thereby increasing efficiency within an organization. The Your Visits application allows a user to view the visitor image so he/she knows who they are meeting prior to an appointment. Engineers are able to view and configure server data at the door and security personnel can access applications such as Device with the Most Alarms, Occupancy and Muster Zones, which provide them with an abundance of relevant information while ensuring a high level of security at all times. So the short answer to your question is „Yes, the product has found many different markets".

For those who haven't yet read about the terminal: what are its most important features?

Philip Verner: Emerald features an innovative LCD touch screen, access control reader functionality, motion detection, an integrated VoIP intercom and a range of remote server based applications, all in one device. All these features give the user the opportunity to enhance the overall system functionality. The bright, 4.3" LCD touch screen with hardened glass, for example, displays predefined messages and icons to cardholders depending on their privileges. The touch screen uses capacitive technology, which enables it to respond to the lightest touch. Emerald communicates directly with the CEM AC2000 host server using Ethernet connectivity, removing the need for an additional controller in the system design. The terminal has a large internal database enabling it to operate off-line should communications be temporarily lost with the host server.

What else have you built into the terminal and how can it be used?

Philip Verner: Emerald provides fully integrated audio intercom functionality at the door through a built-in weather-resistant microphone and speaker. The local graphical user interface (GUI) gives access to authorized AC2000 server-based applications at the door, providing users with a wide choice of information and decision-making tools, directly at the edge. They display system information for cardholders such as Your First and Last Swipes, the Info application which allows the system administrator to display important information such as Health and Safety messages, site directions or a list of telephone numbers for assistance. All these remote applications have a wide range of appeal for a range of different users.

What is particularly intelligent about your new emerald Intelligent Access terminal?

Philip Verner: Our intelligent field devices have been available in the market since the 1990s. Indeed, our company was the first to introduce an IP card reader with a keypad, LCD display screen and a large internal database to ensure zero downtime, allowing intelligent access control to be available at the door at all times. Emerald has all these features, including the ability to access AC2000 server-based applications - normally only available on a client PC - directly at the door. Emerald is the next generation of intelligent field devices, allowing businesses the opportunity to use the system as more of a business tool rather than just for security. It can increase business efficiency, with applications such as Visitor Management as well as Open/Close providing the ability to control equipment, such as turning on lights and PIRs for example, that results in energy and cost savings.

Are there any particular vertical markets you are targeting with the product?

Philip Verner: Emerald is creating new opportunities for both the user and CEM. It is allowing us to better target the different verticals as we can tailor the product through such things as the remote applications, allowing us to meet unique vertical requirements. Emerald can be used at similar sites to traditional access control readers such as schools, hospitals, airports, seaports, and casinos; anywhere that requires the highest level of security to ensure the safety of those inside the building. With the new features available, security can be heightened at restricted areas, such as hospital pharmacies and air traffic control towers or increased if the site is on high alert.

Could you name us the one or other interesting company or institution already using it and tell us about their experience with the product?

Philip Verner: Emerald has only just been released to market, but our dealers worldwide are installing emerald devices on their buildings for potential customers to view. Our existing customer base is looking forward to transitioning emerald into their sites.

"Emerald" sounds quite luxurious - was that the reason for picking this brand name?

Philip Verner: CEM Systems is part of Tyco Security Products. With its culture for innovation, Tyco has invested heavily in the technology platform for this new touch screen terminal. With such a level of investment; it was clear that the new terminal required a global brand name that could be easily recognized and trademarked for protection. The name emerald was chosen as it represents the new gem of CEM systems. It is a cutting edge device that stands out in the market place and is set to revolutionize and redefine the way we all use access control.

Thank you for the interview Mr. Verner.


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