GIT SECURITY Industry Talk: Information is the Basis of Innovation

When you work for a scientific publisher like Wiley it is within your DNA to assume that research work and spreading the news about research results and innovation is the answer to...

GIT SECURITY Industry Talk: Information is the Basis of Innovation

When you work for a scientific publisher like Wiley it is within your DNA to assume that research work and spreading the news about research results and innovation is the answer to most business challenges.
So maybe it is confirmation bias, the tendency to search for and interpret information in a way that confirms preexisting beliefs, when I was happy to read the answers from Michael Schmidt, Head of Group Security and Chief Security ­Officer at Volkswagen, to our questions. In the interview, he was asked how important the knowledge about technologies like perimeter protection and video surveillance are for him. He told us that they are extremely important. From his point of view, the knowledge and the information about innovative products and technologies are nothing less than the foundation of modern building security. ­Modern plant security must be based on all relevant innovations and for this reason, Volks­wagen’s security staff reviews publications and trade fairs while also working with research teams.
We see it as our goal to inform our readers not only on technology and ­product innovation but also about the background of the companies that act in our industry. In two interviews with industry leaders Arecont and Mobotix we ­explain their new strategies and provide you with information you may want to ­consider in your buying decision.
I think reading the current issue of GIT SECURITY is a convenient way to get relevant information and visiting the upcoming trade fairs like IFSEC and Security Essen is another option you have. On our website you can see what IFSEC and Firex have to offer and if you attend the shows please make sure to visit our stand G502 in London.
We do support product innovation also in another way, the GIT SECURITY AWARD. The award is going into the next round now. If you have a look at the great selection of products our jury has chosen for you on page 20 following, you will recognize that it is a tough decision to choose one product in each category. The voting tool is ready on so please take some time and make your choice. You can vote until August, 24th, you have one vote per category and by voting, you automatically take part in the prize draw to win an SLR camera.

Corporate Security

Corporate Security at BMW Group

Corporate Security at BMW Group

GIT SECURITY in conversation with Alexander Klotz, Head of Corporate Security at BMW  Group.

Fire Protection

Safety Solutions for the Westminster Palace

Safety Solutions for the Westminster Palace

The Bosch subsidiary Protec has equipped the entire grounds of Westminster Palace with fire and voice alarm technology.

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