Intelligent Fire Detection Solutions by Bosch

Protect life and asset with scalable, future-proof Bosch detectors which can be installed and maintained with ease.

 Bosch addressable fire detectors are reliable with rapid, precise detection and are extremely robust against false alarms, meaning less business downtime.

When developing and defining Bosch fire detection portfolio we gave particular importance to simple installation and handling as well as flexible application options. That's why you benefit from easy installation, maintenance, and durability.

From reliable fire detection to advanced voice alarm, with our wide range of detectors we offer a future-proof investment for any kind of applications, whether in mid-size or larger building complexes including tall corporate towers, production halls warehouses and logistic centers, hospitals, or transport hubs.

Find out more about the benefits of Bosch detectors.

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AVENAR detector 4000 series

A flexible series of nine detectors for both manual and automatic addressing systems. Available in single, dual and multi-sensor versions for specific applications. Equipped with intelligent signal processing based on more than 4.000 fire patterns to deliver highly reliable detection performance. eSmog EMC provides robustness against invisible interference such as mobile phones and WiFi. Dual-Ray LED technology helps visibly distinguish between interference - for example, blue light for steam and red for smoke.

The latest member to the AVENAR 4000 family is the detector with integrated CO gas sensor. This new detector features a new carbon monoxide sensor, increasing its fire and smoke detection and alarm capabilities in accordance with the forthcoming EN54 standards.

Get more familiar with Bosch new fire detection solution with integrated CO gas sensor.

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AVIOTEC fire and smoke detection camera

The Bosch video-based fire detection quickly recognizes smoke and fire at its source and alert safety teams before the fire has the chance to spread. This solution based on artificial intelligence detects fires faster than a common point type of detector on a ceiling, therefore helps to minimize losses due to a possible downtime or equipment damage and ensures safety for the employees.

Typical areas of application:

  • Production sites, where the dust, dirt and condensation obstruct reliable operation of standard detectors.
  • In warehouses and logistic centers, hangars with high ceilings where smoke dilutes before it reaches the ceiling detectors, or airflow and ventilation blow the smoke away.
  • Semi open spaces where fire detection is difficult due to wind effects.  AVIOTEC offers outdoor fire detection close to buildings where almost no other detection technology is available. It allows smoke and flame detection even in windy conditions. An artificial intelligence algorithm reduces unwanted false alarms and optimizes detection reliability.
  • Challenging lighting conditions: darkness, low light, and other variable lighting conditions.

A separate additional infrared illumination allows night-time monitoring of unlit applications and rooms. The system automatically switches between night and day mode depending on whether the ambient light is above or below a predefined threshold.

Get more familiar with Bosch AVIOTEC fire and smoke detection camera.

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500 series ultra-flat design detectors

The almost invisible Smoke Detector 500 Series has a virtual optical chamber inside, which means that it does not stick out of the ceiling. The smooth surface does not gather the usual visible dirt in rooms with high dust build-up. So, it offers high reliability, and it is easy to clean. On top of that, it saves service time and costs. The level of dirt build-up is continuously measured. A trouble signal indicates when a unit needs to be cleaned.

The ultra-modern, flat design is also advantageous for interiors with high aesthetic requirements. According to the customer's wish, the detector can be ordered with different colored rings, so that it almost blends into the space.

See more details in the Bosch product catalogue.

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Bosch Building Technologies

Fritz-Schäffer-Strasse 9
81737 München

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Corporate Security

Strategy of Corporate Security at Volkswagen

Strategy of Corporate Security at Volkswagen

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Artificial Intelligence

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