MIPS 2018: Milestone Systems highlights AI as next market disruption for video technology

More than 1,500 attendees gathered together at Milestone Systems annual community events in Hanoi, Barcelona and Las Vegas exploring how to create an intelligent world with video t...

More than 1,500 attendees gathered together at Milestone Systems’ annual community events in Hanoi, Barcelona and Las Vegas exploring how to create an intelligent world with video technology

Milestone Systems concluded a series of regional partner and customers events for 2018 with MIPS (Milestone Integration Platform Symposium) in Hanoi, Barcelona and Las Vegas in February. The three events gathered 1,509 attendees and 90 exhibitors, and the theme was how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the next market disruption for video technology. Milestone Systems also took the opportunity to award partners for their contributions to the community over the past year.

MIPS 2018 celebrated its 13th anniversary, and the 2018 events were the second time for the events to be held in APAC, EMEA and the Americas. Milestone Systems’ top management presented products and platform initiatives for 2018, including the technology game-changers they see impacting the industry. The importance of co-creation with the partner community was highlighted as a key enabler for success.

Artificial Intelligence will disrupt our industry
With every device being a sensor, and technologies connecting them in new ways, the amount of data keeps growing. This requires more efficient ways to translate data into intelligence for taking faster decisions both for making the world a safer place, and for moving beyond security into many improvements for video business systems.

At the Barcelona event, Sgt. Johnmichael O’Hare of the Hartford Police Department demonstrated how the Capital City Crime Center C4 Technology in Hartford works to fight crime. The Center is staffed almost round-the-clock by civilian crime analysts who monitor the 450 PTZ video network cameras from Axis Communications that are located throughout the city. Johnmichael O’Hare outlined what is possible to ensure safer cities if the law enforcement units are equipped with modern technologies like in this case. They use a variety of technologies, such as Milestone, ShotSpotter, Geofeedia, Briefcam and Hartbeat to synthesize new and more efficient approaches to taking bad guys off the streets for longer periods of time.

On stage at MIPS Americas, Tanmay Bakshi, Algorithmist, Author, Watson & Cognitive Developer at IBM, spoke about how AI equals IA (Artificial Intelligence = Intelligence Augmented), where the technology actually helps humans become more intelligent by supplementing human analysis, planning and decision-making. “AI will amplify human beings to new heights,” said Bakshi.

A number of other prominent speakers in Hanoi, Barcelona and Las Vegas shared their views on intelligent video systems that can support people and organizations in making sense of the rapidly increasing influx of data. Presenters included, among others: Louis Richardson, Chief Storyteller, IBM Watson; Dr Shiliang Pu, Director & Chief Expert, HikVision; Monica Wang, Senior Analyst Video Surveillance, IHS Markit and Ben Hammersley, Futurist and Global Digital Leader.

Enrichment of Partner Community
To Milestone Systems the community of partners is the all-important foundation of the business model. To recognize this officially, Milestone Systems celebrated the annual top performances in sales, marketing, technology, collaboration and innovation for these categories: camera partner, solution partner, technology partner, distribution partner, channel partner and installation of the year.

“It’s been an honor to host MIPS 2018 for our entire community of partners in the APAC, EMEA and Americas regions. With 1,500 attendees, we created a forum to discuss innovative technologies and how we take the next steps toward creating an intelligent world together,” said Kenneth Hune Petersen, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Milestone Systems.

XProtect 2018 Release1

At the MIPS events customer and partners had the opportunity to have a closer look at the new XProtect release, where Milestone puts focus on performance and privacy. In this release, Milestone pioneers the use of multiple NVIDIA graphics cards on top of Intel GPU acceleration (Graphics Processing Unit) to achieve ultra-high performance.

The support for DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) video sharing technology allows users to directly connect their VMS system to any DLNA-supported TV and display video captured from cameras without needing a Smart Client or even a computer for display. The DLNA support is highly valuable for retail stores, kiosks, gas stations and law enforcement facilities who want to display video from a certain area.

Selective blurring of video image regions enables Milestone users to easily meet privacy requirements. The blurring can be permanently applied to the stored video or be liftable, depending on a user’s credentials. This gives Milestone customers free choice in optimal camera positions while meeting privacy regulations. It also helps maintain a level of situational awareness that is not possible if sensitive areas are blacked out.

Among the operational enhancements in this XProtect release is an optimized software installer with automatic detection of hardware devices. There is a new structure for Milestone Device Pack releases, with drivers managed so that customers can choose to download only recent device drivers.


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