Munich Airport Locks Down Secure and Transparent

More than 6,000 employees at Munich airport obtain access to building keys and important assets through solutions from Kemas. Around 4,200 depots are in daily use there. Markus Schaurer, Advisor for Security Technology at Munich Airport, explains how the logistics of key and tool management at Germany’s second largest airport is kept under control.

© Munich Airport
Markus Schaurer is a security technology advisor at Munich airport and responsible for the planning and coordination of new installations and modifications to existing security-related systems
© Munich Airport

Q: How important is the Kemas solution in the internal processes of the company, and how was it handled before?

A: The solution is important for all of us as a functioning airport because we can trace the complete content of the systems at any time, by both time and personnel. Keys and tools that numerous people need to use can also be kept centrally and made available without any contact. We used to have ‘analog’ key cabinets here at Munich airport with a book to document who has the keys, or some people kept keys of certain categories in their desk.

Q: What was the trigger to look for a new solution?

A: The inspiration for the acquisition of Kemas systems was the requirement to mechanically store keys and other operational tools securely, and at the same time also to implement electronic supervision with alarms. Our expectations were to be able to manage keys at various central locations, have consistent documentation of the status of the content of all systems, and, for example, also to receive an alarm when a pre-defined usage time has been exceeded.

Easy Access Management by Matrix

Access management according to a matrix was also essential. As our department is responsible for the entire security technology at Munich Airport, we have to ensure the highest availability of the systems for all the other departments, also that of the Kemas systems.

Q: How did you learn about this supplier?

A: Our company fire brigade found out about Kemas in 2004 at the Security event in Essen and bought the first system shortly afterwards. The central lock administration of our company security division established the system throughout the entire airport campus, and the number of systems increased significantly over the years.

This was made possible through the continuous and smooth cooperation of the company security and security technology departments at Munich Airport with Kemas as a reliable supplier.

Munich airport is one of the most important air transport hubs in Europe
Munich airport is one of the most important air transport hubs in Europe
© Munich Airport

Q: What is the solution comprised of and how many terminals are in use today?

A: There are currently 53 systems in use. We use key and storage boxes with RFID monitoring as well as other containers, making a total of around 4,200 depots. As well as keys, we also store radios and laptops and tablets in them.

Some of them are equipped to charge the devices while they are being stored. More than 6,000 personnel now have access to the systems that are spread all around the airport. There are also interfaces to the airport fire brigade and our central lock system administration over which various information is transmitted.

Q: After being in use for so long, what has improved or changed? Could your original expectations be fulfilled?

A: The initial expectations were fulfilled. We ourselves had to improve because of the continuous growth of the systems and developments in technology and IT. The cooperation between the airport and Kemas runs very smoothly, and acceptance by the employees is also very high.

Bespoke Training for Key Box Administrators

New users are instructed directly on one of the system’s operating terminals, but people who are authorized to assign rights to others through the administration software, so-called key box administrators, receive separate internal training and reference documentation.

Q: What are the next elements that will be implemented?

A: We will be introducing a new interface to the company security department and to the fire brigade to improve the flow of information. We also strive to keep the system up-to-date, which involves carrying out software updates or server and database upgrades, as well as hardware adaptations that become necessary because of the growth of the system and technological developments.

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Kemas GmbH

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09353 Oberlungwitz

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