Wagner: Holistic Fire Protection Solutions at Security Essen

Presented were the Titanus aspirating smoke detection systems for early fire detection and Wagner's hazard management system based on WinGuard.

Wagners Titanus aspirating smoke detectors form the basis of holistic fire...
Wagner's Titanus aspirating smoke detectors form the basis of holistic fire protection solutions.

Based in Langenhagen near Hanover, Wagner showed its holistic solutions for individual fire protection at the recent Security 2022 in Essen. The highlights of the company’s exhibits were the Titanus aspirating smoke detection systems for early fire detection and the organization and hazard management system based on WinGuard.

Titanus aspirating smoke detectors form the basis of every individual, holistic fire protection solution. They detect fires at a very early stage so that appropriate countermeasures and protective measures can be initiated quickly. Markus Kock, managing director of Wagner Deutschland, explains the current market situation: “Delivery problems due to disrupted supply chains and material shortages are challenges currently facing many manufacturing companies. Thanks to forward planning and stable supplier relationships, we have been able to meet customer requests in this important fire protection segment in recent months. We are also well-positioned for the future together with our partners. We were therefore able to show a large selection of our aspirating smoke detection systems in various designs with a wide range of accessories. They are particularly suitable for use in warehouses/logistics, data centers, production, archives or museums, or hotels.”

Prevention and Protection

Wagner’s customers can achieve perfect organization of all safety-relevant systems by using the hazard management system based on WinGuard. As an open software platform, all the building technology, communication, and security systems are integrated into a uniform user interface, irrespective of the manufacturer. Wagner’s fire protection experts gave trade show visitors insights into the system’s user interface and functionality at Security 2022.
Visitors also had the opportunity to find out about the company’s active fire prevention solutions, such as the OxyReduct oxygen reduction system and effective fire suppression with the FirExting gas extinguishing system. The VdS-certified systems minimize fire risks or fight fires early and without leaving residues. Numerous reference installations show how these systems look in practice.

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Wagner Group GmbH

Schleswigstr. 1-5
30853 Langenhagen

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