WIN>DAYS: Lisa Holland gives an insight into the virtual Wiley Industry Days show

What's going on at the next Wiley Industry Days ? Lisa Holland shows visitors and exhibitors the functions. Take a look at the video. 

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Register now free of charge as a visitor on for the WIN>DAYS 21. Experience a virtual show with congress as a meeting place for Safety & Security, Civil Engineering, Healthcare & Hygiene and for Automation, Machine Vision & Photonics, from 7-9 June 2021.

As a supplier, you can book a virtual stand. Simply send an email to: 
(Stand in the areas Safety & Security, Healthcare & Hygiene or for Automation, Machine Vision & Photonics) 
(Stand in the area Civil Engineering)

The exhibitors in 2021 will again include top players from the respective markets.

Be there - we look forward to seeing you!

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