09.05.2022 • Webinar

Panel Discussion: Video Management and PSIM

Last time at WIN>Days we discussed the benefits of video management systems and PSIM and how these systems can support the integration of hardware and software products. Today the focus will be on alarm and event management and predictive capabilities.

1. Intelligence-based solutions are collecting and correlating information from different sources. What options do users have for the active management of events and to improve operational efficiency?

2. What tools can be implemented in systems to ensure an efficient post-event investigation?

3. Modern management systems can go beyond event management and post-event investigation. How far are we regarding predictive security and how can we use management systems to predict future attacks, prevent them or prepare for incidents?

Talk with leading vendors and security experts:

David Teppe, Head of Strategic Alliances, Advancis, Andreas Flemming, Regional Sales Manager, Genetec, Glenn Michiels, Product Management Manager Europe, i-PRO

Moderation: Dr. Heiko Baumgartner, Wiley and Lisa Holland, Wiley


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