Bosch Webinar: Smart Solutions for Fire Safety
February 12, 9:00 am (CET): A deep dive into the Bosch Avenar IO module 4000 series.
February 12, 9:00 am (CET): A deep dive into the Bosch Avenar IO module 4000 series.
Valeria Meneses, Inside Sales Executive, and Anna Balaz, Global Marketing Communication Manager for Fire Alarm Systems, at Bosch Security and Safety Systems present in this webinar the risks and challenges of securing warehouses, as well as logistic depots from fire.
Structure, categorize, and utilize meta data for further business gain
FEEDS is a think-tank and a do-tank that brings together organizations aiming to improve electrical safety in dwellings.
The former Fire Chief, Elie van Strien, has seen many devastating fires and was there for many after and during fires. But now he wants to be a part in the big context of preventing fires. This is why he is the founding member of an alliance in Europe that wants to make a change in fire safety on a big scale.
Providing a video surveillance solution for Hospital and Healthcare facilities presents numerous and unique challenges.
Patrick Geldmacher, International Sales Manager, Advancis Software & Services GmbH, Roy Band, Community Manager Middle Europe, Milestone, Christofer Sauer, Sales Engineer Team Leader DACH und ECE, Genetec.
Where exactly do we stand globally? How should it be handled in terms of safety? And why is this more than just one country for itself? Anja Opitz talks about the evolution of the pandemic and gives valuable insights into many factors that should be considered for now and the future at Wiley Industry Days 2021.
Common interfaces that enable interoperability between hardware and software offerings from different vendors are critical for integrators and end users seeking to build the right solution for their application and the flexibility to change and add to their systems over time.
Benjamin Tate gives answers to the following questions during Wiley Industry Days exhibition and conference.