Euralarm: Priorities and Challenges 2019-2024 Whitepaper
Euralarm has presented its Priorities and Challenges 2019-2024. Working together for a safer and more secure future is the name of the document that describes areas of cooperation ...

Euralarm has presented its Priorities and Challenges 2019-2024. ‘Working together for a safer and more secure future’ is the name of the document that describes areas of cooperation to achieve a safer and more secure society for Europe and build an industry that contributes to sustainable growth in Europe.
One of the most basic requirements for each of us is defence against harm, no matter what form it takes. Without protective measures, the individuals that make up society are at risk. For decades the fire safety and security industry has worked diligently to develop solutions to prevent and limit the consequences from threats such as fire, theft, property damage and others. In collaboration with public authorities, policy makers, standards and certification bodies and industry associations, the industry works to address society’s needs for safety and security in Europe and globally.
The members of the European fire safety and security industry want to contribute to driving sustainable growth that will strengthen the EU’s Single Market, attract investment to Europe, and expand global markets for European companies. To do this the Euralarm members are continuously assessing the opportunities and the challenges that they are facing to identify the priorities that will allow Europe to advance as a prosperous, safe society and global actor.
The association’s priorities for 2019 to 2024 are:
- developing a strong Single Market and expanding global markets for quality products and services;
- raising standards for industry professionals through training and qualification;
- turning emerging technologies into sustainable solutions;
- advancing knowledge and innovation.
Euralarm aims to accomplish this by focusing on market-oriented standards for products and services and on a pan-European testing and certification of products. Accomplishing the priorities also requires a strong focus on training and qualifications, digitalisation including cybersecurity, IoT and AI as well as partnering with research bodies.
By working together, Euralarm believes to achieve a safer and more secure society for Europe and build an industry that contributes to sustainable growth in Europe. Copies of the Priorities and challenges document can be downloaded above or via the Euralarm website.