Vanderbilt International GmbH

Am Sandfeld 9
761149 Karlsruhe Neureut

Kontakt WebSite


Vanderbilt Launches Next Phase of Popular VCredential Management Platform
01.10.2021 • ProductManagement

Vanderbilt Launches Next Phase of Popular VCredential Management Platform

Vanderbilt International is pleased to announce the latest updates to VCredential, their cloud-based credential management platform that offers users the ability to create and manage Bluetooth credentials independent of the access control platform.

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17.11.2019 • ProductSecurity

Vanderbilt: Third-Party Biometric Readers

Vanderbilt has added three ZKTeco Biometric readers to its access control portfolio. The latest additions come off the back of the launch of the companys Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)...

Vanderbilt releases BLE Readers with ACT Enterprise
06.11.2019 • ProductSecurity

Vanderbilt releases BLE Readers with ACT Enterprise

Vanderbilt announced the release of its Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) readers in conjunction with the companys ACT Enterprise 2.10 access control software.In the era of the smartphone...

Vanderbilt Adds Third-party Biometric Readers to Portfolio
05.11.2019 • ProductSecurity

Vanderbilt Adds Third-party Biometric Readers to Portfolio

Vanderbilt announced today the addition of three ZKTeco Biometric readers into its access control portfolio.The latest addition to the ever-growing access control portfolio comes o...

Vanderbilt Releases New Highly Secure, Easy-on-the-eye VR Mullion Readers
09.08.2018 • ProductSecurity

Vanderbilt Releases New Highly Secure, Easy-on-the-eye VR Mullion Readers

Vanderbilt announced the release of its new VR mullion card reader. Designed for todays bright, clean interiors, Vanderbilts VR mullion card readers are easy to install, use, and m...

Vanderbilt SPC Wireless Devices Aimed at Installer Convenience
13.07.2018 • ProductManagement

Vanderbilt SPC Wireless Devices Aimed at Installer Convenience

Vanderbilt announced the release of a new range of SPC Wireless devices.The range of devices include detectors, panic buttons, fobs, and a transceiver. The devices are discreet and...

ComNet Introduces Serial Data to Ethernet Converter
09.05.2018 • ProductSecurity

ComNet Introduces Serial Data to Ethernet Converter

ComNet (Communication Networks) is announcing the introduction of a serial data to Ethernet terminal server. The purpose of this unit is to take RS232, RS422 and RS485 serial data,...

Vanderbilt's New SPC Connect Features Target Greater Installer Communication Power
19.04.2018 • ProductManagement

Vanderbilt's New SPC Connect Features Target Greater Installer Communication Power

Vanderbilt announced today the release of SPC Connect 2.6. SPC Connect is a hosted cloud-based solution designed for installers to monitor, manage, and maintain SPC panels remotely...

ComNet Team up with Vanderbilt’s SPC
18.01.2018 • ProductSecurity

ComNet Team up with Vanderbilt’s SPC

Vanderbilts SPC was recently deployed to act as part of a security and communication solution between a toll booth and plaza located on the M1 between Dublin and Belfast.At night t...

ACT365 Shines Bright in IFSEC Spotlight
27.06.2017 • ProductSecurity

ACT365 Shines Bright in IFSEC Spotlight

ACT365 delivered plenty of energy to Vanderbilts stand at last weeks IFSEC International tradeshow in London. Approximately 27,000 people attended the three-day show and the cloud...

Vanderbilt combines access control with video management
31.03.2017 • ProductManagement

Vanderbilt combines access control with video management

The latest product offering from Vanderbilt blends access control with video management, as ACTEnterprise now supports integration with Eventys EX Network Video Recorders (NVRs).Si...

Vanderbilt’s new Eventys CCTV Range
29.07.2016 • ProductSecurity

Vanderbilt’s new Eventys CCTV Range

Vanderbilt announced the latest addition to its innovative CCTV portfolio. Designed to meet the need for a cost effective solution that doesnt compromise on functionality and ease ...

Vanderbilt's neue Eventys CCTV-Reihe
29.07.2016 • ProduktSecurity

Vanderbilt's neue Eventys CCTV-Reihe

Vanderbilt kündigt die Einführung ihres neuen und innovativen CCTV-Portfolios an. Eventys Produkte setzen den Startpunkt zur Einführung einer ganzen Reihe von Produkten für das unt...

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16.02.2016 • News

Vanderbilt nach ISO 9001 zertifiziert

Als weltweiter Anbieter modernster Sicherheitssysteme stellt Vanderbilt mit der begehrten Zertifizierung nach ISO 9001 seinen Anspruch an ein besonderes Qualitätsmanagement unter B...

Vanderbilt verstärkt Führungsteam mit Glen Greer
16.12.2015 • News

Vanderbilt verstärkt Führungsteam mit Glen Greer

Vanderbilt International, hat die Ernennung von Glen Greer zum neuen Director of Product Lines bekannt gegeben. Glen Greer übernimmt seine neue Aufgabe zum 1. Januar 2016 und wird ...

Vanderbilt schließt Übernahme von Security Products from Siemens ab
01.06.2015 • News

Vanderbilt schließt Übernahme von Security Products from Siemens ab

Vanderbilt Industries, weltweit Anbieter modernster Sicherheitssysteme, hat, wie bereits im Oktober 2014 angekündigt, die Übernahme von Security Products from Siemens für abgeschlo...

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10.03.2015 • News

Vanderbilt benennt Finanzvorstand

Eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen für innovative und besonders zuverlässige Sicherheitstechnologien, Vanderbilt, hat Jürgen Schnöbel als Finanzvorstand berufen.Schnöbel ist ...

Vanderbilt: Internationale Firmenzentrale in Deutschland
04.02.2015 • News

Vanderbilt: Internationale Firmenzentrale in Deutschland

Vanderbilthat seine internationale Firmenzentrale in Wiesbaden eröffnet. Mit diesem Schritt unterstreicht das Unternehmen seine Absicht, der dynamischste und am stärksten kundenori...

Übernahme: Siemens Security Products zu Vanderbilt Industries
20.10.2014 • News

Übernahme: Siemens Security Products zu Vanderbilt Industries

Durch die Übernahme der Siemens-Geschäftseinheit Security Products will das Unternehmen Vanderbilt seinen Anteil am weltweiten Markt für Sicherheitssysteme festigen. Die Akquisitio...