03.09.2019 • TopstoriesSecurity

Possibilities in Casino Security

Casinos and gaming establishments tricky environments to secure. These facilities are usually open to the public, at all hours of the day and night, and large sums of cash are carr...

30.08.2019 • TopstoriesSecurity

'Secure by Default' Standards

The UK government has launched an initiative to make Secure by default and design a key element for technological innovation. It has announced a GBP 70 million investment in making...

25.07.2019 • TopstoriesSecurity

Securing ATMs 24/7

ATMs have become a cornerstone of day-to-day life for millions, but they can also be vulnerable to attack. The global ATM Industry Association reported an increase of ATM crime of ...

24.06.2019 • TopstoriesSecurity

2019 Trends in Mobile Access

Organizations increasingly want to create trusted environments within which they can deliver valuable new user experiences. A major driver is growing demand for the “digital cohesion” of being able to use smartphone apps to open doors, authenticate to enterprise data resources or access a building’s applications and services.

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Access Control

A Digital Locking System for Ingolstadt’s Golf Hall

A Digital Locking System for Ingolstadt’s Golf Hall

The SimonsVoss MobileKey solution is deployed in Golfhalle Ingolstadt, and offers just the right level of flexibility this golf hall requires.