02.08.2012 • TopstoriesSafety

Hold Baggage Reconciliation

Hold Baggage Reconciliation. Six years after the events of 9/11, it’s clear for all involved in the airline industry that security measures implemented at airports underwent throug...

31.07.2012 • TopstoriesSecurity

Crime Scene: the fuel pump

Crime Scene: the fuel pump. When motoring began at the start of the 20th century, fuel was only available from pharmacies. The first real “gas station” in the world is generally ta...

30.07.2012 • Videos

Intelligence over IP: Siqura BC620WDR

The recently released and award-winning BC620WDR is the only camera on the market that offers integrated adaptors for streaming IP directly over coax, fiber optic, or Cat 5 cables....

30.07.2012 • Videos

Camera Health Check

Most of video surveillance equipment is preventative: Systems are set up to register problems as they occur and to keep calamity from compounding. Once a system is set up, most exp...

25.07.2012 • TopstoriesFire Protection

Residential fire sprinklers

Residential fire sprinklers. The majority of fire deaths in the United States, about 85 %, occur in the home – the place where we feel the safest. Adding to this tragedy is the ast...

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Corporate Security

Corporate Security at BMW Group

Corporate Security at BMW Group

GIT SECURITY in conversation with Alexander Klotz, Head of Corporate Security at BMW  Group.