3 ‘T’s Driving the Global Commercial Security Market

Summarising extensive market insights provided by Intersecs research partner Frost Sullivan, this report looks into the global Commercial Safety and Security Market.Driven by incre...

3 ‘T’s Driving the Global Commercial Security Market

Summarising extensive market insights provided by Intersec’s research partner Frost & Sullivan, this report looks into the global Commercial Safety and Security Market. Driven by increased thefts and terrorist activities, as well as the advent of enhanced security technology, the market is in a high growth stage.

The full report is to be downloaded here.

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22.01.2024 • NewsSecurity

Smart LiDAR for the Security Industry

According to Blickfeld, the Blickfeld QbProtect is the first smart LiDAR that, thanks to analysis software, standard interfaces, and a web GUI on-device, provides directly usable results concerning unauthorized entry. Object size detection leads to a remarkably low false alarm rate.