19.08.2011 • NewsBaslerBasler Vision Technologies

Basler AG Continues Growth in the First Half-Year of 2011

As expected, the first six months of the fiscal year were successful for Basler AG. The company has continued growth in sales and realized double-digit earnings before taxes.The gr...

Dr. Dietmar Ley (CEO)
Dr. Dietmar Ley (CEO)

As expected, the first six months of the fiscal year were successful for Basler AG. The company has continued growth in sales and realized double-digit earnings before taxes.

The group's incoming orders increased to € 30.2 million (previous year: € 29.6 million, +2 %). The group's sales amounted to € 28.1 million in the reporting period, exceeding the previous year's value of € 22.6 million by 24 %. The earnings before taxes (EBT) summed up to € 3.3 million (previous year: € 2.2 million, +50 %). The pre-tax return added up to 11.7 % (previous year: 9.7 %). The earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to € 4.0 million (previous year: € 3.0 million, +33 %). The return before taxes and interest calculated to 14.2 % (previous year: 13.3 %).

The operating cash flow increased in the reporting period to € 4.5 million (previous year: € 2.8 million; +61 %). The free cash flow (operating cash flow less cash flow from investment) amounting to € 1.1 million was positive again (previous year: € -0.5 million). At the end of the reporting period, liquid assets amounted to € 6.8 million and were thus by 28 % above the figure of the comparison period in the previous year (€ 5.3 million).

"We will show solid profitable growth also in fiscal year 2011. This will be driven by our core business with digital cameras that will increase in the double-digit range" explains Dr. Dietmar Ley (CEO).

Basler therefore maintains the forecast for fiscal year 2011 unchanged. The group's turnover will accordingly be within a corridor between € 54 and 58 million (previous year: € 51.0 million). The earnings before taxes will be at least € 5.4 million (previous year: € 5.0 million).


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Basler Vision Technologies

An der Strusbek 60-62
22926 Ahrensburg

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