British Security Industry Association: new British CCTV standard BS 8495:2007

British Security Industry Association: new British CCTV standard BS 8495:2007A.British Security Industry Association code of practice has now been developed into a new British Stan...

British Security Industry Association: new British CCTV standard BS 8495:2007A. British Security Industry Association code of practice has now been developed into a new British Standard for digital CCTV recording systems for the purpose of exported image data to be used as evidence - BS 8495:2007.

Section Chairman Pauline Norstrom comments: „Ensuring that digital CCTV footage carries sufficient weight in court is of paramount importance and is dependent on a number of factors including: image quality and authenticity; storage; the method used to export images; playback; operator/owner awareness; and a comprehensive audit trail."

The BSIA will formally adopt the new British Standard into its criteria for membership of the CCTV section in the New Year.


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