British Security Industry Association: publishes guide to video content analysis

British Security Industry Association: publishes guide to video content analysis. With video analytics a key technological development in the UK CCTV market, the British Security I...

British Security Industry Association: publishes guide to video content analysis. With video analytics a key technological development in the UK CCTV market, the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has published a guide to Video Content Analysis (VCA).

Pauline Norstrom, CCTV Section Chairman, comments: “Video Content Analysis, also known as intelligent video analytics, is the name given to the automatic analysis of CCTV images to create useful information about the content. VCA has a wide range of uses, for instance it can detect intruders, left packages and wrongly parked vehicles, as well as counting events such as people entering or leaving an area. In theory any ‘behavior’ that can be both seen and accurately defined on a video image can be automatically identified and an alert raised.”

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Smart LiDAR for the Security Industry

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