24.08.2012 • NewsIMS Research

IMS Research: Video Surveillance Storage Market to exceed 3.3 Exabytes by 2012

IMS Research: Video Surveillance Storage Market to exceed 3.3 Exabytes by 2012. A new report by IMS Research has identified huge potential for external storage used for video surve...

IMS Research: Video Surveillance Storage Market to exceed 3.3 Exabytes by 2012. A new report by IMS Research has identified huge potential for external storage used for video surveillance.

In the ‘World Market for External Storage Used for Video Surveillance’ study, IMS Research forecasts that by 2012 this market will be worth over US$ 750 million.

The research forecasts that in 2012, 3.3 exabytes of storage will be needed to store video from new surveillance deployments.

This is a phenomenal amount of data and external storage will play a key role in managing this information.

“As more and more video surveillance move onto the network and end-users specify higher resolution cameras and longer retention times, the need for additional storage capacity is sky-rocketing” says Market Analyst, Alastair Hayfield.

External storage appliances, and in particular SANs (Storage Area Networks), are likely to be the next step forward in the evolution of video surveillance storage.


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